To support the Head of UK Technical Training on a nationwide basis fulfilling current operator training requirements. Undertake and complete projects within agreed timescales to support any training requirements that arise. The department is tasked with delivering in-house operator training to their Service Engineers, Sales Staff and Customers, accredited to AITT standards.
The role also includes a vital element of other essential skills training based on the company requirements e.g., product familiarisation, lifting and slinging, manual handling, ladder and harness and any other formal training required by Crown UK.
Key responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
§ Liaise with Service Management and Service personnel to confirm new employees are planned for training well in advance to ensure there is no disruption to field service operations.
§ Liaise with line manager to plan diary at least a fortnight in advance to ensure time is spent effectively.
§ Liaise with other training providers
§ Ensure 3rd party costs are recovered in line with Crown expectations.
§ Training material is developed to a high standard in compliance to Crown’s policies and procedures.
§ Provide clear objectives of training outcomes.
§ Assess candidates to the standards and criteria as outlined within the objectives set by Crown and AITT or any other external associations or bodies.
§ Plan training with employees and line managers to ensure the training meets both Crown and employee’s requirements.
§ Complete training within agreed timescales.
§ Comply and be part of the training internal quality audits process.
§ Fulfil and follow AITT accreditation policies and procedures
§ Undertake continuous professional development to meet the expectations of Crown, AITT and our customers.
§ Complete assessment records, feedback reports and course critiques and distribute within agreed timescales.
§ Ensure delegates tracking sheets are up to date.
§ Ensure rooms, buffets, and trucks etc. are booked in advance and hotel requirements are passed on to the appropriate personnel in a timely manner.
§ Adhere to customer’s site rules and regulations; ensure compliance of Crown and Customer policies and procedures.
§ Provide relevant method statement and risk assessment for training as necessary.
§ Ensure the training environment is safe throughout the whole training session.
§ Ensure delegates follow safe working practices at all times and report any unsafe practise to Crown Health and Safety representative.
§ On occasion, co-ordinate customer training to deliver within agreed timescales.
§ Where required, ensure customer quotations are produced in line with commercial requirements and are followed up within agreed timescales.
§ When training on Customer premises is delivered, ensure this is in a professional and timely manner in-line with Crown policy band procedures.